Friday, February 3, 2012

valentines for kids to make

Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.

Valentine's Day Treat Packages
360 × 450 - 184k - jpg

Valentine's Day Card Ideas
220 × 184 - 20k - jpg

Homemade Valentine Cards - Fun
248 × 248 - 12k - jpg

I love how the kids get to
244 × 244 - 24k - jpg

The valentine has a tag on it
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The valentine has a tag on it
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The valentine has a tag on it
474 × 453 - 631k - bmp

valentines for kids,
537 × 420 - 55k - jpg

perfect for kids to make:
432 × 432 - 80k - jpg

Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae). Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome, and at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland.

Get crafty with your kids and
576 × 384 - 25k - jpg

Homemade Valentine's make
350 × 255 - 10k - jpg

Valentines Day Cards to hand
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with your kids and make
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idea of making Valentines
525 × 327 - 45k - jpg

Valentine's Day is less than a
570 × 427 - 62k - jpg

Kids love to make Valentine
250 × 285 - 64k - jpg

do with your kids or make
255 × 400 - 20k - jpg

Valentines that kids will
720 × 920 - 62k - jpg

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